Monday 26 May 2014

A very nosey beauty tag!

Another day another set of questions, but this time from the lovely sisters over at , they have tagged me to answer their beauty questions.

So here goes....

Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners and lip products or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?
 This one is easy for me, as I actually don't wear eye shadows so don't actually own any! Crazy I know! It's just I never know which colours suit me and wouldn't no where to start with applying it!

Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
 I actually dread having my hair cut even at my age! So for me it would have to be to never have it cut again.

If you had $500, would you spend this on clothes or makeup?
 I'm more of a clothes lover and $500 on clothes would be lovely, over makeup any day!

Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?
 As I have previously said, I don't wear eye shadow, so I would pick just one eye shadow for the rest of my life as I do like wearing different shades of pink lipsticks.

Bright nails or nude nails all year round?
 Bright nails all year round, I love a bright pink, even in winter!

Would you rather never be able to use lipgloss or paint your nails again?
 Lipgloss can be so annoying at times, especially if you get a really sticky one and your hair just sticks to your mouth, this wouldn't bother me if I couldn't use it ever again!

Describe your perfect mascara. Have you found one?
 The mascara I'm currently using at the moment is No7 Lash Impact Intense Volume Control in black. I really like the way it separates my lashes and that I don't have to use layer upon layer of mascara.

Whats you ideal coverage foundation?
 Light to medium coverage, but I usually get to carried away when applying!

Favourite high street/drugstore beauty brand?
 No7 is by far my favourite brand as the products are great and are really affordable.

Favourite high end beauty brand?
 YSL Touche Eclat is an always must for the bags under my eyes!

Is there any makeup you can't leave the house without wearing?
 All of it! I'm constantly in full makeup all the time, in the summer months I do try to tone it down and wear less but who am I trying to kid, I love wearing it all!

What is your most cherished beauty product?
 My most cherished beauty product is Maxfactor's lipstick in Angel Pink! I hate how red my lips are so they are always coated in pink to match my girly look!

What skin type do you have?
 Normal skin.

Do you always use the same skin routine or do you like switching it up?
 I always use my same skin routine as I figure it's not broke so why fix it!

If you could only buy one makeup brand forever which one would you buy?
 I would continue buying No7, as its great value for money and they have a wide range of products that I use in my daily routine and keep in my makeup bag!

Which brand has your favourite packaging?
 I do like the style of Benefit cosmetics as they are so girly and quirky, but I do love the simpleness of No7 in my makeup bag.

Which do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
 I always apply foundation first and then apply concealer where needed!

Name a makeup crime you hate!
 I hate drawn on eyebrows! Some ladies can do it great but loads get it wrong!


Blush or bronzer?

Lipgloss or lipstick?

Foundation or concealer?

Brushes or sponges?

OPI or Essie?

Lotion or body butter?
 Body butter

Well thats all the questions completed! Hope you enjoyed reading my answers! Was quite crazy how similar some of my answers are to the ladies over at ! I would like to tag anyone who would like to use this beauty tag on their blog, and let me know if you do, as it's interesting to see what other people use!

Vicki xoxo

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