Wednesday 23 July 2014

First Day In The City Part Two

This is where we left off, Madame Tussauds. Even though I have been to the London Madame Tussauds when I was younger this was on our card for attractions we could gain access to for free, so we thought why not as we are here! I won't bore you with details of which celebrity waxworks is there but we did have an amazing time posing with all our favourites. For me the best part, well one actually, was when I decided to get my hand modelled in wax. I'm not a brave person who will volunteer for anything or put myself forward for something especially in public, but this looked soooo much fun! I basically had to remove any jewellery from my hand and then hold it in a bucket full of ice cubes for thirty seconds. This may not seem long, but trust me this became quite uncomfortable after the first ten seconds with it being so cold! I then had my hand held in wax and would have to dip between the two buckets of hot and cold. I decided to have my hand moulded into the shape of spidermans hand. Reason being I have a two year old obsessed with him and thought this would be so much cooler than just a normal hand shape. Once the wax was starting to settle I then had to dip my waxed hand in to the red dye for becoming the real spiderman! And heres the end product!!!

With it being our first day and deciding to have a day of wandering around, we overheard some other tourists saying they were heading to The Rockefella Centre so we decided to follow suit. Walking the now busy streets with yellow cabs dashing past us, we were finally outside the enormous but very beautiful building!

Inside the building its filled with shops and a few restaurants on the ground floors, and as you can imagine loads of tourists taking pictures and some selfies to share with friends and family. Now heres the best bit.............. THE VIEW

Apart from the movement of people and the odd camera noise, its so peaceful up here, and looking across to Central Park you wouldn't know the craziest of New York exists whilst at The Top Of The Rock! Im not particularly great with heights, but the view is amazing and its something that you can't come to New York without doing it!

Heading down, we then got some food whilst discussing what to do next. As jet lag was settling in a little we agreed to walk some more and do a bit of retail therapy and also see if we could find Trump Towers, ( as Leigh likes to believe he is the next Donald Trump most days).

A chicken pasta dish inside the Rockefella Centre was so tasty!

                                                                    Trump Towers!

Whats great about Trump Towers is when you go in there you can't help but wish you had a flashy briefcase and a smart suit and be heading to one of the plush offices! The conservatory upstairs wasn't open, so after taking a few more seflies with the gold plaques on the wall we left, with a very happy Leigh in tow! It was clear how the man himself Donald Trump is an inspiration to many business minded people as he came bank from bankruptcy with a bang to amass a great fortune!

As the day drew to an end we went back to the hotel with some amazing deserts from Magnolia Bakery!

Vicki xoxo

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