Wednesday 21 January 2015

A Vivid Update

If you are familiar with my blog, then you will know about twelve weeks ago now, ( yeah really that long ago), I had hair extensions put in by the lovely Hannah at Vivid Hair in Northampton. So I thought it was about time I gave you a bit of an update to let you guys know how I'm getting on with the hair and how I'm maintaining it!

 (This was taken when i first had my hair extensions put in)

    First things first! I absolutely love my hair! Its the best decision I have ever made with regards to my hair, and I will continue to use Vivid and have new extensions put back in when the time comes! What is it I love about my hair I hear you cry! Well, I have naturally very fine hair, that gets very static in winter, and with extensions I no longer have this problem! My hair is full and feels great. Hair styles actually stay in place so much better. For example, I love creating a big bouncy hair style, and with my natural hair,once one side is curled by the time I get around to curling the other side it has all dropped down! So this no longer happens, instead, I have to brush the curls out so they aren't so big at times!
 (Big Hair Don't Care)

   Another big reason I love my hair extensions is due to the fact I no longer have to constantly wash my hair. I have gone from needing to wash my hair everyday to now I can leave it for up to five days. If I feel my hair does need a wash then I separate the top part of my hair and pull the rest into a low pony tail and will dangle over the bath to wash just that top section.  I do also use dry shampoo and in particular Batiste Dry Shampoo in Light Blonde. I use this at nightime before I go bed and spray in sections, including the extensions, and when I wake I have full hair thats not greasy! Bonus!
  To keep my hair from knotting I use an actual hair extension brush, this way the extensions don't get pulled at and my own hair doesn't break either!

(Long and straight option)

All in all I love my hair and I will continue to use Vivid and only Vivid with my long flowing locks!
Are they hard to maintain? In a simple response, No! I actually find them easier to deal with than my own hair, as I can do so much more with it now and like I previously said, I hardly wash my hair now so time isn't wasted washing and blow drying it, then straightening it every day!
Heres a pic of my hair with it being unwashed for four days and twelve weeks on from when I had them put in!

Hope you have enjoyed my post!
And remember only choose Vivid!!!

Vicki xoxo


  1. Wow your hair looks amazing! I've always thought about using extensions but I am worried about the after care etc. How much did these cost?
    Sass x

  2. Great to hear you're finding maintaining them so easy, as that's always put me off in the past. Now I'm thinking again. Your hair looks fab xx

    Sarah | (previously Seriously Shallow)


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