Sunday 19 October 2014

Togetherness with YoungTed

Different things in life connect people, technology, fashion and the biggest one for me is family! I love spending time with family, especially my younger brother, who is nine years my junior. However with day to day life taking over and different work schedules in place, when we get together  its always smiles and laughter! So when we got an opportunity to work with YoungTed we couldn't think of anything better!
     The day had come to an end and the weather wasn't the best so we decided to take the pictures in doors! So check out these great tees!!!

If you love wearing t-shirts that are great quality, that don't loose their shape when washed and have funky logos you really need to head over to YoungTed ! With vibrant colours they are a great everyday essential to be added to you wardrobe! 

Here are some of our chosen favourites!

Don't forget to check them out at the following!!!

Have a great day!!!

Vicki xoxo

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